Here you can find math program downloads that can help extend the capabilities of your calculator. All of these programs are acceptable on the SAT exam.

Quadratic Equation Solver
A program to solve quadratic equation problem quickly and simply.

Radical Simplifier
Converts square roots (radicals) into a simpler form.

Complete the Square
Complete the square in order to solve quadratic equations.

Base Converter
Convert numbers between any two bases – including binary and decimal conversions.

Conics Solver
Converts conic equations from general to standard form.

Curvature of a Function
Calculate the curvature of any function almost instantly.

Bernoulli Differential Equation
Solves the Bernoulli Differential Equation given in the form shown in the screenshot.

Inverse Function Finder
Finds the inverse of a function using the power series.

Heron’s Formula
Uses Heron’s Formula to find the area of a triangle given the side lengths.